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The big day is fast approaching and you’re in full nesting mode (it’s a real thing!)! Maybe you’re making a baby registry and are feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the choices. I’ve been there, twice! If (when?) I get to do it all over again, here are the FIRST 5 things I’ll be sure to get for my newborn.

This is kind of a no-brainer. Of
Muslin blankets
My babies run hot all the time, so this blanket was the best option for us. As it so happens, most babies don’t need layers and layers of warm clothing all the stinking time. However many layers that you are comfortable with inside your home is usually the same number of layers that your baby needs. So when it’s time to swaddle up your precious bundle, these thin blankets are perfect to keep from overheating your little one! I also like the versatility of them and that they are not very bulky. They store nicely, which is a

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Socks are great, but they fall off. And those tiny shoes and boots are cute, but so hard to put on those flexible little feet! The solution? These little booties that I found don’t fall off and are easy-peasy to put on your baby’s feet! They are made of nice, soft fleece, which keep those precious baby toes warm and toasty. I also like the age range sizing on them. They go all the way to 4T. My toddler wouldn’t keep them on, but I love that there’s at least an option in her size. Definitely should be on your list, maybe order two pairs (I did).

Fridababy NoseFrida
You have probably seen these and then instantly said, “oh, heck no!” I get it, I did too. But, then I had a baby with a snuffly nose that couldn’t breathe and I was VERY grateful for this very effective baby tool! A must have, especially if you have a baby who has seasonal allergies. Even my sweet toddler will allow me to use this on her because she KNOWS its weird, but works!
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Baby K’tan
Okay, I am a believer in not just one carrier fits the needs for everything. But for the early days, I found the Baby K’tan a true blessing. Being a new mama, holding your sweet babe will eventually make your arms and shoulders get exhausted. So some genius, probably a sleep-deprived parent, created this amazing carrier. It holds the baby in a snug way that makes them feel like they are still in the womb, so they get nice and cozy and nap away. The Baby K’tan was the ONLY way I could get my sweet girl to sleep in those early days (thanks, GERD). They are sized according to your shirt size, which I find helpful. I’m my experience, these are the best all-round carrier from newborn to about 7 months. I’ll pave a post soon comparing the 5 carriers that we’ve tried and still use.
Why are these “The Necessities”?
So why these 5 things and not bottles, a wipe warmer, or that diaper trash can? Because, those things are nice, but not entirely necessary. I picked the top 5 things that I would want if I were on a deserted island with a newborn and I was allowed 5 things. These are seriously what I would choose, hands down. In my mind, these 5 things are absolutely necessary! I would LOVE to hear what your top 5 items are for a newborn, so comment below or send me an email!
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